Throughout history, arts have played a major role in recording and reflecting the state of human society and the natural world in which society exists.
In the 1990s, thousands of HIV/AIDS Quilts (blankets) were exhibited in Washington, DC, to bring attention to a disease that was previously not understood. The result of this exhibition was dramatic – people became more aware and governments began to fund research to find a cure.
Using artwork and comments displayed on parachutes, the campaign hopes to accomplish similar goals for appealing to the conscience of people especially the policy makers to take real Climate actions in Nigeria.
The parachutes (non-functional) are circular pieces of cloth decorated with artwork and personal comments about our concerns about the health of our planet. Parachutes can be seen as “safety nets” and when held by groups during demonstrations or collectively displayed in large numbers, they transform into powerful messages of strength, hope and communal determination.
At least 20 Senior Secondary Schools in FCT Abuja are expected to produce one parachutes and at least one other colourful painting of their choice and comments about climate change and living sustain-ably.
The Parachutes and Arts will show us where we have been, where we are now, and where we might go. Saving the environment is vital to our health, safety and future, and “parachutes and arts” are a metaphor for this process.
On this day also, the students will join other youths across the world to strike for the climate- The event is part of activity making children's day which is celebrated in Nigeria on May 27th. The Parachutes and Arts Will be on displayed for Public viewing from 24th to 27th May 2019. JOIN US